
understand whether the wobble stool is good for you

What is a Wobble Stool?


What is a wobble stool and how does it help to combat sedentary behaviour while working at a desk? Here's a quick rundown on what this trendy new active seating...

What is a Wobble Stool?


What is a wobble stool and how does it help to combat sedentary behaviour while working at a desk? Here's a quick rundown on what this trendy new active seating...

Simple wellness exercises for remote workers to bring your more energy

6 Simple Wellness Exercises for Remote Workers


Whether you’re working at a physical office or from the comfort of your own home, it’s crucial to take breaks for all-around health. Wellness at work can mean physical comfort...

6 Simple Wellness Exercises for Remote Workers


Whether you’re working at a physical office or from the comfort of your own home, it’s crucial to take breaks for all-around health. Wellness at work can mean physical comfort...

understand how standing desks are better than standing converter

Are Standing Desks Better for You Than Standing...

by Fiona Li

With the recent demand for ergonomic office furniture in the workplace, both office and remote, there have been an influx of options on the market ranging from electric standing desks to manual...

Are Standing Desks Better for You Than Standing...

by Fiona Li

With the recent demand for ergonomic office furniture in the workplace, both office and remote, there have been an influx of options on the market ranging from electric standing desks to manual...

Learn about active sitting and how standing desk can help you

What is Active Sitting? A Guide For Remote Workers


Did you know that on average, Canadian adults spend approximately 10 hours a day being sedentary? Aside from an ergonomic office sit-stand desk, there are other ways to stay active throughout...

What is Active Sitting? A Guide For Remote Workers


Did you know that on average, Canadian adults spend approximately 10 hours a day being sedentary? Aside from an ergonomic office sit-stand desk, there are other ways to stay active throughout...

5 façon simples de mettre à niveau votre bureau à domicile - EFFYDESK Canada's #1 Electric Standing Desk Ergonomics Blog.jpg

5 façon simples de mettre à niveau votre bure...


Travaillez-vous à distance ? 5 façons simples de mettre à niveau votre bureau à domicile Nous sommes au cœur d’une pandémie mondiale, et tout le monde, sauf les membres du...

5 façon simples de mettre à niveau votre bure...


Travaillez-vous à distance ? 5 façons simples de mettre à niveau votre bureau à domicile Nous sommes au cœur d’une pandémie mondiale, et tout le monde, sauf les membres du...

Gaming Chair vs. Office Chair: What's the Difference - EFFYDESK Ergonomics Blog - Blog Banner

Gaming Chair vs. Office Chair: What's the Diffe...

by Lisa Kaela Yu

EFFYDESK is here to help you understand gaming chairs vs. office chairs and how they can benefit you when spending prolonged hours in front of a computer.

Gaming Chair vs. Office Chair: What's the Diffe...

by Lisa Kaela Yu

EFFYDESK is here to help you understand gaming chairs vs. office chairs and how they can benefit you when spending prolonged hours in front of a computer.