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learn how to achieve healthy work life balance and spend more time with family

How to Achieve Work-Life Balance When Working from Home

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If you are new to working at home, you may find yourself having difficulties setting boundaries. Boundaries for remote workers include scheduling your tasks and lunch breaks into a routine that allows you to set aside personal time for yourself. When you work remotely, it can feel like you cannot escape work, and the added distractions around your house can make it hard to stay focused. 

Taking a Break during Work with Coworkers - Coffee Break
Millions of Canadians found themselves suddenly adjusting to working from home with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many Canadian office workers, they miss the simple things that could have easily been taken for granted in the past, such as leaving the office for a walk around the block during your lunch break, or perhaps a morning routine of catching up with your colleagues in the break room. But there are ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance, even when your home is your office.

Here are some tips on how to achieve that healthy balance, boost your productivity, and even impress your boss — all from the comfort of your own home. 

5 Tips to Achieve Work Life Balance

1. Set Up Your Home Office

If you haven’t already, set up a home office. Working from the couch, kitchen or bed can be detrimental to your productivity. Without a designated workspace, you may find yourself getting distracted throughout the day. 

By designating an area of your house to work, it can help you mentally separate work and play. It is easier to focus and get to work if you have allotted a space to do so. 

Working from Home at a Designated Workspace with coffee on hand

Even in a microloft, you can still have an area dedicated to work - you just need to get crafty to make the most out of your space. Looking to maximize tabletop space in a small area? Try an ergonomic L-shaped desk

Tell yourself that you will only plug into work when you are in your designated work area. To maximize your workspace for a healthy work-life balance, you should ultimately optimize your home office into a sit-stand workstation.

2. Set Boundaries Between Work and Play

Video Call with Family or Friend is a way to achieve work life balance

Do you feel like you are working more hours since switching to working remotely? That should not be the case, unless your job has changed drastically. With the stagnant scenery, your workday may feel more drawn out. PRO TIP: Set and adhere to a routine schedule. When your 8 hours are up for the day, it's time to unplug and unwind. Not setting boundaries or a clear schedule will lead to burnout.

Whether it is FaceTime with a family member or a virtual games night with your friends, make sure to step away from your work at the end of the day.  

3. Eat Right and Have an Exercise Routine

Eating Proper Balanced Healthy Lunch and Snacks to get healthy work life balance

It can be tempting to lose track of time and snack all day when your home office is only a short walk from your refrigerator. Make sure that you eat a proper lunch and have intentional snacks, rather than constantly grazing. After all, one of the benefits of working from home is being able to cook on your lunch break.

Without our daily commutes, working from home means we are living an even more sedentary lifestyle.  Exercise reduces stress and lifts mood. Break-up your workday with some cardio, weights or a workout video. No time? Try these 6 fun and easy yoga stretches - all from your desk! 

Being stationary affects you both physically and mentally. Move around during the day to boost your productivity and circulation.

Looking for another way to beat a sedentary lifestyle? Invest in an ergonomic sit-stand desk.

4. Understand That Productivity Looks Different

work productive to get more time to spend with family

Remember that working from home often removes some barriers to productivity that exist in the office. You won't have the water cooler chit-chat or office politics to distract you from your work. 

Use working from home to your advantage. Breaks in your day can include throwing a load of laundry into the washing machine or a quick vacuum of your living room. Getting small tasks done around your house during your break, can help you feel less overwhelmed after work.

Productivity isn’t just about time management, it’s about energy management. When you’re tuned into work mode, work smarter not harder. Optimize efficiency and beat procrastination with the pomodoro technique

5. Maintaining Your Work-Life Balance

Stay Active is a way to maintain work life balance

It may feel like you are juggling more when the lines between work and home are blurred. Even with planned separation, you may feel like the two are always intertwined. 

By focusing on these tips, you can maintain work-life balance - and even take some good habits back to the office if you return.

Looking To Boost Productivity? EFFYDESK Can Help!  

Standing desk can help you stay active keep the work life balance

At EFFYDESK — we design, mould, and deliver the best Electric Standing Desk for professional or personal use. EFFYDESK is here to help you maximize your potential, productivity and focus in your workspace. 

Our signature collection of electric standing desks and ergonomic office chairs are well-equipped to maximize efficiency and morale in the workplace — wherever that may be for you. Browse our signature Standing Desks, Office Chairs, and Monitor Mounts designed to boost workplace productivity, so you can get more done, more comfortably. Claim your free 30-day electric standing desk trial today.

To learn more about EFFYDESK’s products and services, be sure to check out our FAQ page or browse our ergomindfulness blog for more helpful articles on ergonomics in the workplace. 

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