Are Standing Desks Good for Kids?

Are Standing Desks Good for Kids?


Contrary to popular belief, standing desks are not only suitable for commercial office spaces. Rather, many families have found these products to be essential to their productivity at home. When shopping for home office furniture, parents often look for workstations that can easily be shared with the entire family. The question is - are standing desks suitable for children?

There are a number of factors to consider when shopping for child-friendly home office furniture. At EffyDesk, our team is happy to help by providing useful shopping advice as well as a wide range of ergonomic furniture options. Continue reading as we discuss whether or not standing desks are a good choice for children.

Safety hazards

Standing desks are powered by mechanical and electronic components that could pose a threat to the safety of young children if misused or tampered with. This is one of the primary concerns that comes to mind for most parents. If you are thinking about purchasing an electric standing desk to be used by the entire family, it is important to make sure these dangerous components are well concealed within the desk so that your children can not access them. At EffyDesk, all of our desks come with a convenient cable tray where users can keep all of these elements hidden.

Height adjustability

For a standing desk to be useful long-term, it should be able to keep up with your growing children. Static standing desks are not practical for children due to their lack of height adjustability. However, electric standing desks offer flexibility for parents to tailor their workstation to their height, and that of their children as they grow taller over the years.

Mental health benefits

Keeping your kids focused on their schoolwork can be a challenge. Many children suffer from a short attention span or behavioral issues that render them incapable of staying focused. Standing desks are known to help adults stay on task throughout the workday, however many people do not realize that these innovative pieces of furniture have a similar effect on children. Simply standing up can reduce feelings of restlessness and stop your kids from getting distracted. Many parents report improvements in their kids’ grades after purchasing an electric standing desk. Therefore, if your kids are having problems in school, a standing desk could be the key to improved performance.

Physical activity

With entertainment options such as iPads, video games, and smartphones, it is more difficult than ever to get children to move their bodies. This lack of physical activity can result in obesity, postural issues, and other serious, long-term health problems. Standing desks offer a source of physical activity for children that spend most of their day sedentary. If you’re finding it difficult to peel your kids away from their screens, an electric standing desk could be the perfect addition to your home office space.

Overall, electric standing desks can be an excellent option for children, however it is essential to choose a high-quality model from a reputable brand. Browse our selection of top-rated products today to learn more.

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